
At Children’s Village Daycare we live by our 10+ Goals and Approaches. We strive to provide children and their family’s with a rich learning environment, by living up to these Goals and Approaches.

A) Promote the health, safety, nutrition and well-being of the children

Goals Approaches
1) Positive eating environments are provided with portion sizes that are responsive to the children's cues or hunger and fullness. 1) Children will be encouraged to serve themselves in a relaxing eating environment, provided with child size eating utensils 2) Nutritious snacks are available throughout the day so the children may help themselve when they are hungry.
2) Children with varied dietary needs are taken into consideration for meal plannimg. 1) Menus and Allergy sheets will be posted in the kitchen and in each program room

B) Support positive and responsive interactions among the children, parents, child care providers and staff

Goals Approaches
1) Children feel safe and included with adults and children in the centre. 1) Greet every parent and child that walks in with a smile. Shares information at drop off and pick up time. 2) Educators are engaged with the children being attuned and responding to children's varied cues and communication. (verbal and non-verbal) 3) Educators are attuned to the physical and emotional states of each child and responds in a warm and sensitive manner. 4) Educators are engaged in authentic, reciprocal communication with children where children participate as both initiators and equal partners.
2) Families are recognized as experts of their children and should feel that they belong, and are valuable contributors to their child's learning 1) Educators establish and maintain positive relationships with families and work together with them to work towards goal's for children's learning, development, health and well-being. 2) Educators see the unique characteristics and strengths of each family. They engage with families as co-learners about and with their children through conversations and HiMama.
3) Every educator feels they belong, is a valuable contributor, and deserves the opportunity to engage in meaningful work. 1) Educators are seen as capable, curious and rich in experience 2) Educators collaborate with each other to create engaging environments and experiences to foster children's learning and development 3) Educators are able to follow the steps in conflict resolution to maintain healthy relationships

C) Encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate

Goals Approaches
1) The staff will encourage problem solving and decision making before getting involved. 1) Staff will give children the tools to solve problems by facilitating successful communication between children by helping them to listen and express themselves to one another. 2) Educators recognize and support children's developing and varied self-regulation abilities in all domains (biological, emotions, communicative, cognitive and social).
2) Children become engaged learners when they are offered materials they can observe, manipulate and question. 1) Children will have access to materials that have real meaning that encourage investigation and problem solving. 2) Children will be provided with materials that engage them in active, creative, and meaningful exploration and inquiry. 3) Materials will be changed often to ensure optimum engagement. Provocations will be used to spark new interests.
3) Children benefit from a stimulating outdoor environment. 1) Educators will continue to be engaged with the children outdoors. 2) Educators will provide outdoor experiences that spark curiosity, invite investigation and provide challenges that are responsive to individual capabilities.

D) Foster the children's exploration, play and inquiry

Goals Approaches
1) The room will be arranged to offer a variety of activities. 1) Opportunities for group time, creative, dramatic play, sensory, language, science, block play, music and movement will be available in all classrooms. 2) Rich open-ended materials that children can manipulate are available to the children 3) Materials will be changed/added to depending on the classroom interest regularly.
2) We believe children are competent, capable of thinking and rich in potential. 1) Educators engage with children, facilitating children's efforts to take reasonable risks, test their limits and gain increasing competence and a sense of mastery through active play. 2) Educators create safe and stimulating outdoor spaces for intentional active play that is adapted as needed to support children's varied abilities, offering challenges that are within each child's ability to master.

E) Provide child-initiated and adult-supported experiences

Goals Approaches
1) Children's experiences should be valued and should include their perspective. 1) Staff will use observations and interactions with children to determine what activities to provide next. 2) Educators will engage in activities with children as co-investigator, co-learner and co-planner.

F) Plan and create positive learning environments and experiences in which each child's learning and development will be supported

Goals Approaches
1) Children are valued as individuals and are viewed as competant and capable. 1) Face to face interactions with the children are done at the child's level. 2) Children will be responded to in a warm and sensitive manner. 3) Educators engage with children, facilitating children's efforts to take reasonable risks, test their limits and gain increasing competence and a sense of mastery through active play. (Example: Educators will bring program / curriculum outside to play and explore engaging with children in activities, asking questions and scaffolding play)
2) Both indoor and outdoor spaces will invite children to investigate, imagine, think, create, problem solve, and make meaning from their experience. 1) Educators create safe and stimulating spaces both indoors and outdoors for intentional active play that is adapted as needed to support children's varied abilities, offering challenges that are within each child's ability to master. 2) Staff will utilize these spaces as the third teacher, allowing children access to materials that are open ended and spark curiosity.
3) Observations are documented and used in the classroom plan. 1) Staff will be provided time throughout the week to review documentation, both individually and in their groups to plan for the classroom. Group meetings should be used for discussions on how the room is doing and how to be more supportive. 2) A minimum of one documentation for each child in attendance should be done each week. 3) Educators will document children's learning using a combination of Learning Stories, HiMama activity reports and the documentation grids using the continuum of development. 4) Educators will introduce at least 2 provocations per month (1 indoors and 1 outdoors), documenting the children's learning and providing next steps to expand on their learning, 5) Every educator will complete at least 2 learning stories per month. 6) Every educator will provide activities outdoors supported by documentation and next steps.
We believe in an all inclusive program. 1) When required, educators will work with families and community partners to develop an individualized support plan to ensure that environments and experiences provide equal learning opportunities by making flexible program adaptations and using special equipment and / or adaptive devices if recommended by a regulated health professional.

G) Incorporate indoor and outdoor play, as well as active play, rest and quiet time, into the day, and give consideration to the individual needs of the children receiving child care

Goals Approaches
1) Children can experience a sense of competence and independence as they participate at their own pace throughout daily experiences and interactions. 1) Staff will plan daily routines with limited interruptions and transitions to maintain a sense of calm and provide large blocks of time for children to engage in complex play and inquiry. 2) Educators will design environments that are attuned to children's varied sensitivities, arousal states, and need for maintaining calm, focused or alert state. 3) Educators will listen and learn from children as much a children listen and learn from educators.

H) Foster the engagement of and ongoing communication with parents about the program and their children

Goals Approaches
1) The staff will ensure that the parents receive information regarding their child on a regular basis. 1) Documentation is visible for the children and parents. 2) Positive communication is provided daily through HiMama. 3) Learning stories will be posted for parents to see and provide feedback.
2) Parents will be encouraged to contribute and share their own experiences and interpretations. 1) We encourage building connections between home and the program by having an open door to parents when they want to visit with staff and observe their children. We encourage communication between parents and educators at drop off and pick up time. Parents are also encouraged to share through the HiMama app.

I) Involve local community partners and allow those partners to support the children, their families and staff

Goals Approaches
1) Children demonstrate a sense of belonging when they recognize, explore and make connections between home and the early childhood setting, with their community and with the natural environment. 1) Educators will connect with families and community partners to provide environments and experiences that reflect and are relevant to the children's everyday lives. 2) Educators will help the children celebrate the connections they are making in their world. (ex. School bus).

J) Support staff, or others who interact with the children at the child care centre in relation to continuous professional learning

Goals Approaches
1) Staff must continually strive to foster creativity, create rich learning environments, encourage curiosity and provide opportunities for children to think and work together. 1) Staff will be given the opportunity to engage in rich learning experiences whenever possible. This will be done through webinars, staff meetings that focus on training and workshops that are provided in the community. 2) All RECE's will fulfill the requirements of the CPL program of the Early Childhood Educators. ( Our Pedagogical Mentor will be available to support children's development with educators whenever possible)

K) Document and review the impact of the strategies on the children and their families

Goals Approaches
1) The program statement is a living document that will be updated and changed regularly. 1) Each staff will meet with the supervisor/mentor twice yearly to review goals and approaches and share observations. These meetings will also include staff evaluations that focus on work habits and interactions with parents and children.